What Did You Like About the Back to Basics 1 Course?
Informality, specific hints on how to use my camera, practicality. You always took the time to answer my specific questions - Brilliant!
Was there anything you didn't like about the course?
Got a bit lost in the theory eg Lesson 8 on the lenses, but really liked the stuff on composition.
Did it Live Up to Your Expectations?
Yes because I enjoyed each lesson and looked forward to the classes.I did learn things which I never have before when looking at books or the internet.
We did cover a lot of ground and in some ways I would like to do it again so that things sunk in more.
Wendy is a very knowledgeable photographer who is a born teacher. She promised to stick to the basics and she did
Barbara Burns


APP Licentiate Sm
A licentiate is a person who has a formal attestation of professional competence, borne from experience, to not only practice a profession, but also to teach, educate and mentor others in the profession.

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